Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Don't Give Up On Our Unkind World Yet: Instead Be Kind.

“This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.”
--The Dalai Lama, Tibetan Buddhist Leader

True story. Last weekend my Aunt found herself in need of a little human kindness.  She'd driven into Boston to visit my Mom, her sister, who'd had surgery, but in Carol's rush into the city and then into the parking garage and then out of her car and then up to the room, somehow she'd lost her keys. She searched the room, the hallway, the elevator, the shuttle bus that had taken her to the hospital. No luck.

"Can I help you?" a man in green scrubs asked, as she looked through the elevator again.  On the edge of tears, she explained her dilemma. Downtown. Alone. Stranded. This person could have easily walked on by, gotten to where ever he was on his way to. Seen someone in distress but kept going.  But instead he said, "Let's look again." Then he walked with her down the stairs and into the cold dark garage, searching right along with her and then finally back to her car, where they discovered those keys, right there in the ignition where they'd been the whole time.

"Thank you!" she said, so grateful for his help. Seeing his attire Carol asked if he worked at the hospital. "I'm a surgeon," he answered. He was on his way home after a long day of operations from dawn 'til dusk. And then they parted: two human beings, connected by circumstance and now bound forever by one simple act of human kindness. One soul assisting another soul in need.  One stranger daring to ask another stranger: "Can I help?" 

If we were able to have a bird's eye view of the hospital on that chilly Friday night, we'd no doubt have witnessed a hundred, maybe even a thousand such acts of simple human kindness. A taxi driver helping a limping man outside the emergency room.  A gentle nurse taking the blood pressure of a scared little boy, soothing his fears with quiet words of reassurance.  A flower delivery person evoking a mile wide smile in a cancer patient.  The security guard who gave a car battery jump to help a couple from Oklahoma, in town to visit their daughter who was in a terrible car accident.

Each in their own way making this world a little kinder, a little softer, a little better, and a little more loving.  Each anonymous.  Each making a conscious choice to be the light in a world we too often might imagine is only shadow filled. Each having that rare gift of empathy, the ability to put ourselves in another person's shoes and then in that imagining, responding with compassion.

It's tempting these days to see this world through the lens of cynicism, even despair, when it comes to the hope for simple human kindness. Our President regularly insults, demeans, bullies and verbally bludgeons anyone whom he perceives as an opponent and the crowd cheers for more.  Our nation has been rocked by acts of cruelty and violence perpetrated by sick souls who worship at the altar of hate.  Our press doesn't help: it almost gleefully reports upon such meanness of spirit and actions, 24/7, always looking for the next thing to shock us with and to drive up ratings.

But here's one truth I am absolutely sure of: there is much more kindness than cruelty in this world. There are many, many more folks willing to stop and to help than to walk on by in apathy. Most folks are, at their core, decent people, who try their best each day to be good neighbors and good citizens and good people.  We need to remember this, to have faith and then dare to believe that in the long arc of human history, kindness always wins. Always.   

That deep truth will not sell many newspapers. It will not appeal to the preachers who want to condemn this world in fear and anger or the politicians who exploit human cruelty for their own personal power. Kindness might be written off as weakness by the strong or as corny by the annoyingly ironic. Don't listen to those voices. Don't give in. Don't give up. 

Instead look for human kindness. Ask for kindness from others. Teach kindness in your religion and to your family and community, then live it, and take it out into your daily life. Kindness will always make your one life "great" in the truest sense. Kindness is a gift from God and a loving universe but it only works when we put it to work.

Someone this day needs your kindness. You can do it. Be kind.



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