Thursday, November 22, 2018

Deep Thanksgiving Begins In This One Miraculous Moment

"It goes so fast. We don't have time to look at one another. I didn't realize. All that was going on in life and we never noticed....Do any human beings realize life while they live it? Every...every minute?"           
 --Emily, from "Our Town" by Thornton Wilder

Last summer I undertook an unusual spiritual practice. I tried my best to pay attention, pay deep attention, to singular and sacred moments in time. Moments that came. Moments I lived. Moments I loved. Moments that ended, gone forever.

While training for my yearly Pan Mass Challenge, a long distance August charity bike ride for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, I took one photo of my bike every single time I went out for a ride. One snapshot for each journey, from early May until late August. One image of my bicycle posed in front of a landmark that embodied each journey, every single trip. At summer's end I had a photo service organize those thirty moments into a poster, to remind me what a great and fun and hard and adventurous and blessed time I had riding through my life in the summer of 2018. What a gift from God that time was, each and every minute, every second.

I wanted to realize that time somehow. To be awake and alive to it. To really remember it. To be grateful to God for it, and to say "Thank you!"

There's a photo of my bike on the banks of the Mississippi River in Minneapolis, snapped on a lovely spring morning ride with my 12 year old Goddaughter BJ. An image of my cycle leaning against an ancient player piano someone left by the side of the road in Natick on a hot July day.  On the scorching August Friday when I rode all the way to Rhode Island and back, there's a picture of my bicycle leaning against a road sign: "Entering Woonsocket". That was an epic trip! A snapshot of me at the end of the PMC shows me holding my bike high over my head in joy, a ride marked by driving rain the final 48 miles. Then one final photo, my bike leaning against a wooden fence, with the blue and white surf of Nantucket Sound in the background.

I wish I could say I was just as attentive to the rest of my life, to the more mundane and typical and routine moments too. Days like so many other days: when I arise in the morning and drink my coffee and go to work and write sermons and visit folks and eat meals and watch TV and then go to bed. Because even in the midst of those seemingly everyday days, a beautiful and miraculous life is still unfolding, if I 'd only realize it. If I'd only see, really see: the smile of my co-worker Jose who greets me each weekday morning with grace and care. Nature all around me: a bright yellow sunrise, gorgeous colorful leaves on the trees, or an unexpected November snowstorm blanketing the world.  How about hot coffee, smoky and delicious? Or the people who love me, the folks I love?   

I need to pay attention more to my one life. We need to pay attention more to this life, appreciate it, never take it for granted, especially as mortals, we who live lives that will not go on forever, that instead have an expiration date. So maybe the spiritual question for life is this clear and simple: are we paying attention to the divine and God given moments we live, we are given?  Really, really enjoy days and hours and minutes and seconds, being fully within that time. Time that comes. Time that goes, never to return. 

Here's a Thanksgiving Day challenge. When you sit down at your table, take a moment and look around, really look into, the faces of those gathered together and then dare to thank God or thank the universe for gifting you with that exact minute and those exact people. Savor the rich food: the smells, the tastes, the memories these evoke of holidays past.  Because this one day will be unlike any day that has ever happened before or will ever happen again.  Your precious son or daughter will grow up and go off to college. Your sometimes annoying cousin will one day not be able to make it back east for a visit. Even if the turkey is dry or the rolls are burnt or a political squabble breaks out, what a gift this time will be, all of it, every single tick of the clock. 

If only we would pay attention. Then we humans might actually realize life while we live it. Every...every moment.  Happy Thanksgiving.






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