Friday, June 19, 2020

Who America Says It Is and Who America Really Is....

“There have always been two Americas — the one we aspire to, a place of idealism and revolution and freedom. And then there’s the other America, the one we actually live in. The disconnect between those two ideas has rarely been clearer than in this tumultuous spring….”
--Jennifer Finney Boylan, New York Times, June 2020

There is who I am. There is who I hope to be.  There is the gulf between the two.

Me—I want to be compassionate towards those who are hurting. I want to be generous with my money, share a goodly portion with those who have little or none. I want to treat others as I want to be treated. I want to judge less and accept more, listen more and talk less.  I want to see the best in others and myself.

And yet…

I sometimes turn away from those who are hurting or worse, I blame them for their suffering. I hold on to my money so tightly, and when I do give, it is often from the leftovers.  I treat others at times, with contempt, or worse, apathy.  I see how others live their lives, differently than I live my life and I wonder, “Why can’t they just be more like me!”  I open my mouth and opine whenever a thought pops into my head, leaving little or no space for another to speak. I can easily view the stranger with suspicion, not trust.

Who I want to be. Who I really am.

This is the eternal tension of our shared human condition: facing into the truth of who we really are versus the hope of who we might be—as children of God and neighbors and citizens and family members.  This is the moral reckoning our nation is being challenged to look at and face into and confess to: who we are as a nation right now, in 2020, versus who we think ourselves to be, hope ourselves to be.

The problem is not the lofty ideals and dreams we as Americans set forth for ourselves in our founding documents. We have and we do dream great dreams of being a nation of justice and opportunity and equal treatment under the law and individual dignity. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

The problem is that for many folks in our land, especially folks of color, they read these words and then rightly wonder if those civic guarantees really apply to all the people. All of us. No one left out or left behind. They wonder, like I do, if perhaps there should be an asterisk at the end of that sentence in the Declaration of Independence and a disclaimer: some restrictions may apply.

And so the protestors in the streets are really doing the United States a great service right now: they are reminding us that as a republic founded almost 244 years ago, we must still dare to imagine that we can be a land of peace and justice, of racial reconciliation and care, of radical freedom for every last person who claims the title of citizen. The folks with the signs and the chants, who have been showing up in our cities and towns and villages, all colors, all political parties, all faiths, in all fifty states: their message to America is clear.

Be who you say you are, really be a nation that is actually a shining city upon a hill, an example to the rest of the world of how democracy is supposed to work. Be your words. Be freedom. Be justice. Be liberty. Be faithful dissent. Be courageous in defending the rights of the minority. Be an exemplar on the world stage and not just a bully. Be a land of mercy and not revenge, wisdom and not bluster.  Be a land where the people and not the plutocrats or the professional politicians, or the king wannabees, rule the land.

Don’t just fly a flag in front of your house or sport a red white and blue lapel pin and mumble through the national anthem at a ball game and imagine that this is all one has to do to be a real patriot. No.

Instead, be a real citizen: active and engaged. And in the weeks and months ahead, sit down with your neighbors, especially the neighbors who are aggrieved and hurting, who are angry and sad, and who wonder why they were left out of the “American Dream” and then just listen to them.  Listen.  Don’t get defensive. Don’t make excuses. Don’t walk away.  Open your ears and your hearts and close your mouths and hear, with compassion, the stories of what is like to live in the other America.

I know that I have a lot of listening to do in the times to come.  We all do.

There is who are, America. There is who our highest ideals demand that we become. 

God help us to get there.


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