Thursday, August 1, 2024

To Make a Difference, Find Hope, and Fight Cancer. RIDE ON!

“I have found that it is the small everyday deed of ordinary folks that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love.”     --J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit

It’s just a bicycle after all.

Just a two wheeled conveyance, to get me from point A to point B and under my own power too.  It’s got two pedals, twenty-four gears, two jet black tires and sleek levers on the handlebars for shifting up or down. There’s a granny gear for a big hill and a speedy gear for when you get to fly like the wind down a long winding road. Throw in a water bottle or two and a spare tube, maybe a banana in the back pocket of your bike shirt, and that is about it.  Oh, almost forgot. A helmet to keep the rider safe.

You’d think that such a humble contraption couldn’t do much good, not in a world changing way, not in this oh so complicated and huge and often broken place called earth that we all call home. 

I mean what’s a bike up against poverty or war, or violent political rhetoric or all the ‘isms that so hurt God’s children, hurt you, hurt me, hurt everyone? What can one bike do, or perhaps a group of bikes, a team of bikes, maybe even several thousand bikes…what can all those cyclists and bicycles do?

A lot of good, it turns out. A bike can actually carry much hope, and love too, and compassion. 

You see, every year since 1980, tens of thousands of cyclists from around the country and world have ridden in the Pan Mass Challenge (PMC). The PMC is a two-day charity bike ride that for more than forty years, has raised funds for Boston’s world class cancer care institute and hospital, the Dana Farber.  This year the PMC will surpass $1 billion raised to help find a cure, so that one day we might actually make cancer history.

I am blessed to be a PMC’er, have been for fifteen years, and am on a church team of seven amazing fellow riders.  In total more than 5,000 of us will be riding this weekend, through eastern Massachusetts, with many of us biking all the way to P’town on the tip of the Cape.

So, if you find yourself on the roads and byways of the Bay State this coming Saturday and Sunday, you may just see some of these do-gooders, these world changers, these cyclists who just want to work and share some kindness, and work for the dream that we will one day beat cancer once and for all. Beat the disease that takes the lives of more than 600,000 Americans each year. Those folks are our loved ones. Our neighbors. Our friends. The amazing scientists and doctors and helping staff at Dana Farber have come so far in their work. But there is still much to do and many miles to go.

Why do I ride?

I ride for the people I love who are either sick with or have been taken by cancer. I ride for uncles and aunts and mentors and church members young and old and friends and cousins. I ride because I need to be amongst big-hearted people who actually sacrifice and work for a cause greater than self alone, and for the common good. When people work together like this, anything is possible. When people don’t or can’t work thus, well, nothing is possible. Not really.

So, here’s a suggestion. Put down your device that is trying to preach to you a litany of bad news and instead look out on the road for the bearers of some good news. Very good news.  For me and my fellow PMC riders: we can use something as simple as a bike to save lives. We can pedal and reassure a cancer patient that they are not forgotten, that they are in fact, loved. We can ride and remind the world that each of us can do good, lots of good, in our corner of the world.

All we have to do is decide to make a difference. For nothing, nothing is more powerful than a community that commits to come together and then build a new world, just one act of goodness at a time.

God knows we could all use some goodness and good news. 

RIDE ON!    

(Donations can be made at

The Reverend John F. Hudson is Senior Pastor of the Pilgrim Church, United Church of Christ, in Sherborn, Massachusetts ( He blogs at and is a resident scholar at the Collegeville Institute at Saint John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota. For twenty-five years he was a columnist whose essays appeared in newspapers throughout Massachusetts and Rhode Island. He has served churches in New England since 1989. For comments, please be in touch:


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